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Ewe-Nique ©2015
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With beginners and experts we were able to start thinking about a little project.  Our first was some knitted Bunting for the Joe Fagg Centre.  We incorporated our triangles to create ewe-nique bunting to add a little brightness to the Pop Inn.

We were asked by Age UK if we would help with their Big Knit Innocent Smoothie Hat campaign which has meant lots of us (and family members) are knitting or crocheting little hats, some plain, some blinged up and some just bizarre.  The target is 4000 hats - not all made by us but we are contributing well.

Many of us have children who are our Young Carers, I have connections with ASD Ashford and when Sam said they were planning to create 60 crochet cushion covers for the Young Carers in our area, we wanted to be involved.  This has been quite a mammoth adventure with each cushion taking a good deal of time and wool.  ASD Ashford kindly donated some funds and wool to help us get going with this project.

We have been able to get some donations of wool from a variety of people.  Once you know a knitter or crocheter it is clear they will have a wool stash. – Getting them to clear a bit away is another matter of course.

At this point we realised we need to have some funds ourselves.  We may have scraps of wool but to enhance our projects we need to be able to buy things like brooch backs, earring hooks, magnets, buttons and so on.

We started making Flower brooches and hairclips which we have been able to sell to help us on our next projects.

AgeUK are having a Christmas Fair in November 2014 and they have asked us to make items to sell.  Some of our flock are so talented and have created some inspiring creations.

Vicky’s Dad is a member of Royal British Legion.  We decided that it would be wonderful if we could create some poppies and sell them to help raise funds for the RBL.   We had a kind donation of the perfect colour red wool which allowed us to create many poppies which have been selling incredibly well.  We are hoping to make the donation to RBL in November.

Members of our Flock do not have to take part in these projects.  Some of made cardigans, jumper, outfits for babies even an incredible Snowman and a Clanger.


We continue to take part in projects that will help other groups as this is another rewarding way for us to progress. We are now known as Ewe-Nique: Therapeutic Crochet & Knitting Flock, a name decided upon after much deliberation. We felt it was perfect for us and our future.

Our funding to set up the group with an expert leader has come to an end.  Many in the group are now teaching others to Knit or Crochet.  You-Tube is also exceedingly helpful for this.    People support themselves in their projects and buy their own refreshments.

For our projects that help other charities we do need funding.  We need wool and assorted items to help create the charming ewe-nique items we craft.  We have a borrow box of knitting needles and a bag of wool that has been donated but if we are taking part in a particular scheme we need help with being able to purchase the goods needed.

Yes these people are in pain, It may take them longer to do the activities but everyone who attends feel empowered by their new weekly outing. Having somewhere to go where people are friendly, understanding and will support the best they can. I am proud of each and every member of our Flock.

We deal with so much on a daily basis and even when things are difficult you will hear of someone knitting or crocheting in the most odd places.