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Complaints Policy and Procedure


Ewe-Nique is committed to providing an excellent service to its members, working in an open and accountable way that builds trust and respect.  We have developed a Complaints Policy and Procedure that explains our approach to receiving complaints.  We also have an associated Compliments Policy and Procedure.

Our Aim

Ewe-Nique aims to resolve complaints quickly, fairly and effectively.  One of the ways in which we can continue to improve the services that we provide is by listening and responding to the views of our members and in particular responding positively to complaints, and by putting mistakes right.

We aim to ensure that:

 making a complaint is as easy as possible;

 we treat a complaint as a clear expression of dissatisfaction with our service which calls for an immediate response;

 we deal with it promptly, politely and when appropriate confidentially;

 we will respond in the correct way – for example, with an explanation, or an apology or information on any action taken;

 we will learn from complaints and use them to improve the services that we offer;

 we review annually our complaints policy and procedures.

Ewe-Nique recognises that many concerns raised will be informal, and we aim to deal with these quickly. In the first instance we would expect any complaint to be raised directly with the member concerned if appropriate.  But if concerns cannot be satisfactorily resolved informally, then the formal complaints procedure should be followed.


A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction with our services; whether justified or not; with Ewe-Nique, with a Volunteer, or with another member that relates to Ewe-Nique and that requires a formal response.


Ewe-Nique’s complaint procedure is intended to ensure that all complaints are handled fairly, consistently and wherever possible resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction.

Ewe-Nique’s responsibility will be to:

 acknowledge the formal complaint in writing;

 respond within a stated period of time;

 deal reasonably and sensitively with the complaint;

 take appropriate action if required;

The complainant’s responsibility is to:

 raise their concerns promptly and directly with the person concerned and if their concerns cannot be resolved satisfactorily informally, then to follow the formal complaints procedure as detailed;

 explain the problem as clearly and as fully as possible, including any action taken to date;

 allow Ewe-Nique a reasonable amount of time to deal with the matter as detailed in the formal complaints procedure;

 recognise that some circumstances may be beyond Ewe-Nique’s control.

Monitoring and Reporting

The Committee will receive regularly an anonymized report of complaints made and their resolution.


Except in exceptional circumstances, every attempt will be made to ensure that both the complainant and Ewe-Nique maintain confidentiality. However the circumstances giving rise to the complaint may be such that it may not be possible to maintain confidentiality.  Should this be the case, the situation will be explained to the complainant.

Principles of the Complaints Policy

 The Complaints Policy will apply to all the services that Ewe-Nique provides.

 If at any time during the investigation of a complaint matters arise that warrant investigation under disciplinary proceedings, or through a criminal investigation, the complaints procedure will be suspended until those investigations are concluded. Similarly, the complaints procedure should be suspended if a complainant is actively seeking legal redress.  

 A complete record of the entire process should be kept. This includes a copy of all reports, transcripts of interviews/videos or sound recordings and other relevant information.  

 Ewe-Nique may, at any stage of the formal complaints procedure, review a complaint and give a decision, without a formal investigation, where the Chairpersons deem the complaint to be deliberately repetitive or vexatious.  Examples of such complaints being unsubstantiated or repetitive complaints against an individual or service, or where a complaint has previously been investigated and appropriate action taken.

 When appealing against a previous decision, the complainant will be asked to state why they are dissatisfied with how their complaint was handled.

Policy issue date: April 2015

Policy agreed by the committee: April 2015

Policy review date: April 2016

Formal Complaints Procedure

1. If you are unable to resolve the issue informally and wish to make a formal complaint you should request a copy of Ewe-Nique’s formal Complaints Policy and Procedure from the Chairpersons. This will be sent to you on the day of request. If we hear nothing further from you 7 calendar days from this date we will regard the complaint to be closed.

1.1. Upon receipt of Ewe-Nique’s Complaints Policy and Procedure, you should write a formal letter of complaint to the Chairpersons within 7 days.  You will be sent a form for completion.

1.2. The form will set out the details of your complaint, the consequences for you as a result, and the remedy you are seeking.


1.3. You can expect the complaint to be acknowledged within 3 working days of receipt. You should get a response and an explanation within 10 working days.  The written response will also notify the complainant that they have 7 days in which to ask for the complaint and response to be reviewed (if they are dissatisfied with the response they have received.)

1.4. Our contact details are Ewe-Nique, 96 Imperial Way, Ashford, Kent, TN23 5HU.  Email:  yolanda@ewe-nique.org.uk

Ewe-Nique aims is to resolve all matters as quickly as possible, however, if a matter requires more detailed investigation, you will receive an interim response describing what is being done to deal with the matter, and when a full reply can be expected and from whom.

Policy issue date: April 2015

Policy agreed by the Committee: April 2015

Review date:  April 2018