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Knitting and Pain

Having to live daily with Chronic pain is draining.  Whatever the source, whether it be a physical or mental pain - it is a burden.  

Trying to carry on living a ‘normal’ life can be a challenge.  We can be given pills and potions that will help take the edge of the pain but ultimately it is still there sucking away  any ounce of energy you may have.

So why would you want to take on something else.  

Studies have taken place showing that by taking part in a Knitting & Crochet group you have a positive outcome.

Some people will already know how to Knit, Crochet, cross-stitch and more, whilst others have never tried any type of crafting.

Our Flock was born when the funded group, Knit a little peace into your life with Claudia Benson, an avid knitting & craft guru began in Ashford.

We are offered the chance to learn a new skill, with the rhythmic action of the knitting taking our minds off of the physical/mental pain.

Claudia who has worked all over East Kent supporting patients to self-manage their pain said. “These groups provide a community of like-minded people to share your feelings with and because they are concentrating on picking up the new techniques it is a very non-threatening environment to sit and have a chat.

We are not suggesting that knitting and chatting will make you pain-free but the wellbeing benefits are clear to see.  The brain can only think about one thing at a time, so while you are concentrating the pain recedes”

Beginnings Ewe-Nique Projects